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And, what would the Ideal bookshelf posts be without Liliana's ideal bookshelf list. Here is her list at the moment. Remember, she's three so she revisits this list often. Every few weeks we talk about this bookshelf and if anything needs to be added to it or removed from it.
Without further adieu...
Without further adieu...
Hands down her favorite. Liliana loves the song, she loves the pictures, she loves Peter Yarrow.
She recognizes when it becomes the sad part of the book and then reminds herself that she's had friends move away and it all ends up okay. I think she personally identifies with Puff and uses the book as an emotional tool. Books can do that for you - give you language and help you feel better about being lonesome sometimes. |
Let's be honest, Lily likes this book because there is a wackadoodle character named Lilly in the book.
She loves this book which makes my heart smile because I LOVE Kevin Henkes. This book is about a duo who does everything together and are not very nice to new girl, Lilly. But when Lilly saves the day, they all become fast friends. Kevin Henkes does a great job showing how to positively change a situation and even has a bullying episode in the book without giving away language that the bully would use (we don't need to model that in our reading with kids). |
This is such a sweet tale and I have a hunch Liliana likes this book because it makes me melt.
Little Chester raccoon (no relationship to the above book) is going to school and is nervous. I used to read this book to little kids on the first day of school so they were reminded that their parents loved them, even though they were in class with me. Chester raccoon even has a sweet surprise for his mother. |
I've written about this book before. So what else is there to say?
Strong female character, beautiful use of color, great vocabulary in the book. Lily seems to know the book by heart. We read it every week consistently. |
Liliana likes this book because it's something she can relate to. We live in Brooklyn which is where this book is set. We do our laundry in a laundry room and she helps out. She's even had to wash her favorite stuffed animals before (although never lost them like Trixie does).
I love the illustrations meshing with real life photography work and the story is sweet. |
This one came out of left-field. I did not hype this book at all. But here it is (and for the record, I do like Don Freeman books, especially Dandelion).
Secretly, I think she wishes she could go to the store and buy her very own stuffed animal too! |
This book has it all - animals, peeing, pooping and real learning.
Liliana's favorite fact? Flamingoes pee on themselves to cool themselves off. Who knew?! Even better, the author is releasing a pack of postcards in the Fall. Goes great with the tip on writing postcards! |